A (not so) Quick Tutorial on HiveOS Tuning of an L3+

Got a question the other day about how to autotune an L3+ with aftermarket firmware. There are several firmwares out there that you can do this with, however I’ll stick to HiveOS as it has the most flexibility I’ve found, all the way down to the individual ASIC level. While HiveOS isn’t the only one out there, and I’m not saying it’s the best, it’s fairly simple and straight forward and easy to learn to use.

When I hear autotune I get a little worried. How does it know exactly what I want or what I need, or how can it change without a complete understanding of the setup. I treat it like a starting point, it’s a good feeler for what the board can handle, but at the end of the day I always go in and manually setup the boards as that will give me the maximum benefit with the longevity of the hash boards I’m looking for.

HiveOS states they attempt to make the hash rate the highest with the lowest power consumption, and they do pretty good. However what they state in the FAQ doesn’t seem to line up with what I’ve experienced it doing. First off, they state they start with a high voltage and work down, it appears the opposite works and in fact sometimes they needlessly raise the voltage to get rid of a few HW errors that don’t really affect performance. So they’re actually costing you money by using more power even though the HW errors were so minimal (#nonce still under 0.03%.)

That being said, it is a good starting point to understand what your unit is capable of.

2 thoughts on “A (not so) Quick Tutorial on HiveOS Tuning of an L3+”

  1. Thanks a whole bunch! That means I got it right. Makes me happy!
    I’m trying to set them up on the low settings 9.32/504. One board only has 71 asics and Hiveos has set the voltage on that board to 10.11v and tuned it down so it was only making 382 on the board. I have now changed that by setting other chips to a higher frequency and it runs at 384 now as a main. It doesn’t make a lot of HW but I can still only get the miner to make 502MH RT and it makes 498MH AVG.
    But now I dare to set the other chips even higher and experiment to see if I can get it to 504. (I know I have to get the board fixed). But no money for that now.

    What might cause it to only perform with below 400MH and as low as 350-280MH on the pool even when it shows 500 or 498 on the system? It does pick up later and with two miners I make just below 1000MH (940-980) in 24 hours?

    Thank you thank you thank you again. You are my new hero!

    1. Pools are interesting how they show the real time hash rate. All pools are different and I have seen my litecoinpool hashrate fluctuate anywhere from 330-700MH/s, but I generally run them between 500-560MH/s. Basically they show the real time rate, which you can’t look at, you need to focus on the average hash rate as that’s how you system is truly operating.

      As far as your board, if you have one with a bad ASIC I wouldn’t overclock it as the old rule of thumb applies, where there’s one there’s more. So you may be on the edge of others failing.

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