Bypass it, jump over it, leave it in the dust, at least that’s a path that I decided to go down. I was having problems with ASIC 28 on a hash board, and due to (most likely) a lack of skill in soldering I was unable to fix it, Before I caused more damage I decided to write it off, not the whole board, but the ASIC itself.
After looking at the schematics and understanding how the L3+ hash board works I had an epiphany, why not just skip it. The via’s are already there to run the wires from, I wonder…
The firmware doesn’t disallow a board to run without all the ASICs, it just checks that they are present and reports data from them. If it’s not there, it skips it and moves along. So how did it turn out? Spoiler alert, it works fine, just some patience, 30AWG wire, and a soldering iron is all it took.
Hello, is the wire jumper connecting only the check point rst on the back side of the heatsink to #29 and after the jumper?
The jumper wire on reset, as well as the other signals, goes from the output of U27 to the output of U28 (since I removed this it’s the only way the signal train continues.) Of course RI, is reverse so it goes from input of U28 to input of U27.
Can you do this on an S17 for example. Plenty of boards that wont recognize all chips, if instead of fixing we can just skip it we can revive some salavged hardware for dome hashtate. Thoughts if it will work like on the L3 ?
Unfortunately I haven’t tried that on an S17 and have since retired those. I haven’t dove into the firmware as to whether it will run with fewer than the required ASICs, but in theory it should.